Journalists refute NEF's claim they didn't attempt to get "their side"
Instagram (10/14/21)
In a recent interview with Plant Based Business Hour, 10/13/21, the founders of No Evil Foods claimed they were victims of a biased media.
Sadrah Schadel, NEF co-founder:
"You've got social media, which is you know, a cancel culture, it's full of lies, it's full of half truths, it's full of distortions, um, very convenient narratives that fit the poster's agenda. We've seen a lot of that going around. We've also seen more reputable newscasts, um, radio programs, that left us less than 24 hours to provide a statement. At that point the news segment is already full produced, their mind is already made up, they had no intention of including our story, and allowing us to share our voice on it. Why that happens, I really don't know. It was very very disappointing to see news outlets that we trusted as sources of real information to respond to us in that way, or to not respond, to not give us - you know, they barely did their due diligence, there was zero fact checking, insinuations that, you, just - crazy."
Mike Wolianksy, NEF co-founder:
"There is a lot out there, particular in digital, that is biased or agenda driven. That is unfortunate, but it's not objective reporting."
The reporters who covered the union busting and/or layoffs at No Evil Foods caught wind of these accusations and published the emails they sent to NEF asking to give the founders an opportunity to speak on the record. Most of these emails went unanswered or were deferred to No Evil's PR firm.