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about the union busting and layoffs at No Evil Foods
Mo’ Evil Foods
For a business named No Evil Foods (NEF), you might be surprised to know that nearly a third of its workforce have left since management busted the union drive.
The unionization attempt at No Evil Foods holds lessons for workers across the country
After losing a union election, employees at a growing vegan food company have insights into how to overcome the challenges of organizing in a liberal workplace.
Faux Leftist Vegan-Meat Company Busts Union Drive
“I worry that a union would pit us as adversaries when we absolutely don’t need to be.”
A Vegan Meat Company Purged Its Pro-Labor Employees.
A Vegan Meat Company Purged Its Pro-Labor Employees. Workers Say an Anti-Union Drive Prompted the Firings.
The Double Speak of No Evil Foods
No Evil Foods is known for its marketing as a “radical” and “revolutionary” company that stole the “do no evil” mission statement made famous by Google, using imagery such as Comrade Cluck to sell their plant-based “chicken” and El Zapatista as the name for their “chorizo”.
Pretty Evil
No Evil Foods, a vegan food company whose products include “Comrade Cluck,” recently fought a union drive. Now workers feel unsafe in the factory.
No Evil Foods Loses more than 10% of its workforce After coronavirus Response
A vegan company lost more than 10% of its workforce after it gave employees 24 hours to decide whether to keep working during the coronavirus pandemic or quit